Home / Wilderness Stewardship Foundation / How nature can benefit from your travels

How nature can benefit from your travels

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Wilderness Podcast

Today, the word “travel” certainly has different meanings than 10 years ago. It still is very variable and subjective to whoever defines it. For some, to travel simply means to have a relaxed vacation on the beach – preferably in another country. Others view travelling as something exciting, an adventure full of action where new countries, cultures and landscapes are explored. But recently, there has been a shift in peoples’ needs and interests for travels. Not only has eco-tourism received ongoing growth and demand, but more and more people seek more from their vacation: They want to travel with purpose. They want a transformational travel. A good way to do so is to support non-profit organizations, may it be with financial contributions or even with hands-on experiences while travelling.

The Wilderness Stewardship Foundation works closely in cooperation with Wilderness Trails, a local guest ranch that facilitates more than one opportunity for guests to experience purposeful travels. Within our partnership we invite everyone to actively contribute to our conservation efforts for this area to ensure sustainable land use by all local stakeholders. Through our wilderness trips and training programs we encourage our guests and students to become stewards of the land – not just during their travels but also ongoing for their own environment at home.

Our mission is to reconnect people to nature and let them rediscover the value of our environment. Hence, we offer active participation in our stewardship efforts during trips, such as the collection of grizzly hair from trees for DNA samples; documenting animal tracks, sightings and activities; counting mountain goats or minimization of the invasive plant Burdock on the low elevation trails, to prevent the migration to the high country – just to name a few.

There are three critical points that shape our philosophy that we share with Wilderness Trails. Firstly, we use trips that provide wilderness experience for creating deeper connections with self and nature. Second, we create an environment that facilitates personal development and transformation, and finally we’re building a community of people dedicated to changing the world through wilderness stewardship. Our overall goal is to bring these three themes together to facilitate unique opportunities for transformation, both personally and environmentally. Hence, our team consists of independent individuals who are committed to preserving nature, live in a supportive community, encouraging personal growth, take responsibility for their lives and in the end, work towards creating value for the world.

Finding the right balance between travelling for leisure and environmental care on a vacation is not easy if you don’t follow programs like “travel and volunteer”. We offer customized wilderness trips that include opportunities to actively participate in ongoing local conservation projects. If you have a passion for wilderness and nature and seek transformational travel, a conservation trip might be just what you’re looking for. Check out our website chilcotinholidays.com for possibilities or call us at +1 250 238 2274 – we will support you finding purpose within your travels.


Author: Fenja, Germany

Image by Kristin Noak