Personal development
Nature connection
Want to buy a book? We have Six Principles to Live Life with Purpose, Gerry, Get Your Gun, Gerry Bracewell: Guide Outfitter, Pioneer, Matriarch, Lead Like a Lead Mare, Lessons From a Lead Mare, Intentional Work and The Mountain in My Mind for sale on our training website, Wilderness Training Academy. The Mountain in My Mind is also available as an eBook.
You are the master of your destiny. Will you take ownership for your life today?
Join us on the Trail to Empowerment towards a greater sense of personal development, nature connection, nature conservation, self-sufficiency, empowerment and consciousness & awareness. Evolve with a positive mindset by facing challenges and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone.
The only remaining question: If not now, then when?
All of our programs and courses with our training partner the Wilderness Training Academy are self-directed providing you with information, inspiration and self-reflection prompts for you to put into action.
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