Recommended Books

Here's of list of recommended books most central to our Six Principle philosophy. We have written book summaries for many of them to guide you to the book that is most valuable to you.

Personal development

  • Brendon Bruchard, High Performance Habits (with book summary)
  • Stephen Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (with book summary)
  • Dr. Randy Ross and David Salyers, Remarkable! (with book summary)
  • Andrew Matthews, Being Happy
  • Brene Brown, Braving the Wilderness (with book summary)
  • Brene Brown, Daring Greatly
  • Brene Brown, Rising Strong
  • Brene Brown, Dare to Lead
  • Brene Brown, The Gifts of Imperfection
  • Amit Goswarmi and Carl Blake, Quantum Activation
  • Charlie Botting, Six Principles to Live Life with Purpose
  • John Maxwell, The Five Levels of Leadership (with book summary)
  • John C. Maxwell, Relationships 101 (with book summary)
  • Donald Miller, Building a Story Brand




  • Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass
Conscious and aware

Nature connection

  • Gerry Bracewell, Gerry, Get Your Gun (with book summary)
  • Charlie Botting, Gerry Bracewell: Guide Outfitter, Pioneer, Matriarch (with book summary)
  • Charlie Botting, Are You Aware of Your Environment? The Impact of Ed McMurray on the Ranch Community
  • Charlie Botting, The Mountain in My Mind (with book summary)


  • Dr Partha Nandi, Heal Your Gut, Save Your Brain
  • Dr Partha Nandi, Ask Dr Nandi

Recommended Book Store

Want to buy a book? We have Six Principles to Live Life with Purpose, Gerry, Get Your Gun, Gerry Bracewell: Guide Outfitter, Pioneer, Matriarch, Lead Like a Lead Mare, Lessons From a Lead Mare, Intentional Work and The Mountain in My Mind for sale on our training website, Wilderness Training Academy. The Mountain in My Mind is also available as an eBook.

Are you ready for more in life?

You are the master of your destiny. Will you take ownership for your life today? 

Join us on the Trail to Empowerment towards a greater sense of personal development, nature connectionnature conservation, self-sufficiency, empowerment and consciousness & awareness. Evolve with a positive mindset by facing challenges and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. 

The only remaining question: If not now, then when?

Trails to Empowerment

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All of our programs and courses with our training partner the Wilderness Training Academy are self-directed providing you with information, inspiration and self-reflection prompts for you to put into action. 

Are you ready to gain free access to your Personal Development course?

You will: 

  • discover your interests, goals and purpose
  • create a mission statement to live your life with purpose
  • self reflect and be inspired to grow and evolve to be your best self

Have you checked out our other inspirational sources yet?