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A New Adventure in British Columbia, Canada

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A New Adventure in British Columbia, Canada

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Summary: How I found my new adventure in British Columbia at Wilderness Trails, my experiences in my first few weeks and the responsibilities I took on.


For my education in International Tourism Management I was looking for a place to do my second internship. During my studies I always took the road less travelled and chose to focus more on the lesser known destinations and topics, while others might have chosen the popular destinations with lots of information on the internet. So my internship had to be a unique place as well.

So while other students went to Spain or stayed in my home country of the Netherlands, working at the front desk of a major hotel or at a vacation park, I took my time to find my newest adventure across the world. I went looking for an internship with the most learning opportunities, where I wouldn’t be stuck doing one thing for months. I then found my new adventure in the mountains of British Columbia, Canada at Wilderness Trails.

I knew during the application process that Wilderness Trails was the right place, I found that while filling in the application questionnaire, I got more and more excited about everything I read and saw a lot of opportunities to learn more about tourism in Canada and eco-tourism in British Columbia.

Now that I am here, I am getting more opportunities then I thought I would be able to get in my first weeks. I got the opportunity to get involved in the administrative part of the business, but also with the horse care and broaden my knowledge about the nature, animals, mountains and more about what the Chilcotin Ark has to offer.

I was amazed at the map orientation on my second day here, I got a lot of information about the area and wildlife and it is one of the most memorable experiences I had while at the guest ranch.

Another experience that is very memorable to me is learning to drive the tractor and how to check the water, anti-freeze and hydraulic fluids. When I was in that tractor seat driving I felt like I could handle anything these mountains have to offer.

Maybe my most exciting experience I had in my first weeks here, was learning to do the horse logging with Willy. Willy was amazing, he was calm, stable and reliable and worked with us, so we could learn easily. I had the procedure with me and learned how to stay out of the bite. Which means that when the horse turns, the log behind will turn as well and if you are in the bite, you might get hit.

I only got to partake in these opportunities by taking the initiative to do so. Not only have I had lots of opportunities, I have gotten the chance to take on multiple responsibilities. I have taken the responsibility to update multiple procedures, I have done the guest and intern inquiries and I am responsible for mentoring new interns.

One of the best things about this internship is that I am not stuck inside from 9-5, I get to go into nature and work with my hands every single day. Every day at the ranch feels like a new adventure, as every day the task at hand is different and every day I have learned something new. I knew that I wanted an experience I would remember for the rest of my life and the last few weeks I won’t easily forget. I can’t wait to see what the rest of my internship has to offer and learn even more each day about nature, wildlife, Canada, tourism and even myself.  

Inspired to start a transformational internship of your own in British Columbia? Check out our internship page. Have a particular interest in a conservation internship? Check out the Chilcotin Ark Institute to see what you could be doing.


Suzanne, Netherlands